Have you ever had a great job interview and not heard anything back for weeks? You may wonder why the Company hasn’t contacted you about the next steps and if they even plan to hire you. Chances are, they’re just waiting to check your references.
Being asked for references can often be both nerve-wracking and confusing. Wondering why a potential employer would reach out to your references after extending an employment offer can leave applicants with many questions.
This blog post will explore why jobs call references after hiring new employees.
Why Do Jobs Call References After Hiring
After a job candidate has been through several interviews and been extended a job offer, it may seem like the hard part is over. However, many employers will still call references a final step in the hiring process.
There are several reasons for this. First, employers want to verify that the candidate has worked at the companies listed on their resume.
Second, they want to get a sense of the candidate’s character and work ethic from people who have firsthand experience working with them.
Employers may use references to check for any red flags that might have come up during the interview process. By taking the time to call references, employers can ensure that they make the best possible hiring decision for their Company.
While trying and hiding any negative aspects of your work history may be tempting, it’s important, to be honest with your references.
Your references should be able to speak to your strengths and weaknesses candidly so that the potential employer can get an accurate picture of who you are as an employee.
Do Employers Really Call Your References?

When going through the job application process, having a few references is always a good idea. After all, your potential employer will want to know that you’re reliable and competent. But do employers call your references?
In most cases, the answer is yes. Most employers will contact at least some of the references listed on your resume. They may not talk to everyone, but they will likely call at least a few. So it’s important to choose your references carefully.
List people who can attest to your skills and work ethic. If an employer does call your references, they’re likely to get a good impression of you – and that could be the difference between getting the job and being passed over.
Can You Get Rejected After A Reference Check?
While it’s not common, it is possible to be rejected after a reference check. In most cases, this is due to a discrepancy between the candidate’s and the reference’s words.
For example, if a candidate says they have 5 years of experience in a particular field, but their references say they only have 2 years of experience, that can be enough for an employer to reject the candidate.
In other cases, employers may find that the candidate’s references are not as positive as they would like them to be. While it’s not necessarily a deal-breaker, it can give employers pause.
So if you’re going through the reference checking process, make sure that your references are on the same page as you are. Otherwise, you could find yourself out of the running for the job.
Should I Be Worried About A Reference Check?
Checking references is a common practice for employers when considering hiring someone. If you have been asked to provide references, it is a good sign that the employer is interested in you and wants to learn more about your work history and qualifications.
There is no need to be worried about a reference check. Provide the employer with the contact information for people who can speak positively about your work. These might be previous supervisors, colleagues, or clients. It is important to choose references who will be able to speak clearly about your skills and abilities.
If you are concerned about what a reference might say, you can always ask them in advance. Reference checks are a normal part of the hiring process, so there is no need to worry.
Just be prepared to provide the employer with contact information for people who can speak positively about your work.
Who Should You Never Use As A Reference?

When job hunting, one of the most important things you can do is put together a strong list of references. But who should you include? And just as importantly, who should you leave off the list? Here are a few guidelines to help you choose the right references for the job.
First and foremost, avoid using anyone as a reference which whom you haven’t worked closely in the past. This includes friends, family members, and acquaintances. While they may be well-meaning, they likely won’t be able to provide detailed information about your skills and experience.
Secondly, be sure to avoid using anyone as a reference with who you have had disagreements in the past. Even if you have since resolved your differences, there’s always a chance that your reference will mention the conflict when speaking with potential employers.
Try to avoid using references who are not currently employed. While they may be able to speak to your skills and experience, unemployed references can sometimes come across as less than reliable.
By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your references will be able to vouch for your qualifications and help you land the job you want.
References are an important part of the job hunting process. They can help you to stand out from the competition and may be a deciding factor for a potential employer.
When choosing references, make sure that they will be able to speak positively about your skills and experience. Choose people who know you well and can attest to your strengths as a candidate.
Make sure to ask your references for permission before using them as a reference. Give them plenty of notice, so they have time to prepare their remarks.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do references get called before or after the interview?
A: It depends on the Company’s hiring process. Some companies like to wait to interview all the candidates before calling references, while others will call references early in the process.
Q: How far into the process should I expect a reference check?
A: If you’re a finalist for the job, you can usually expect a reference check to happen near the end of the process.
Q: What if I don’t have any references?
A: If you don’t have any references, that’s not necessarily a deal-breaker. Many companies are willing to overlook this if you’re otherwise a strong candidate. However, trying to line up at least one reference before applying for jobs is always a good idea.
Q: What if I’m not comfortable with the idea of my references being contacted?
A: If you’re uncomfortable with contacting your references, you can always decline to provide them. However, this may hurt your chances of getting the job.