Why Is TCS Hiring More Employees

Why Is TCS Hiring More Employees?

Every company needs to hire new staff to survive the competition. Depending on the Company, some hire hundreds of employees yearly, whereas Companies like TCS should hire more than 10,000 employees this year. Looking at a huge number, you may get confused and question why TCS hires more employees. Are they unsatisfied with the old … Read more

Why Do Companies Hire New Employees

Why Do Companies Hire New Employees?

Thinking about building a new empire? Or just want to expand your workforce? Hiring employees is always a great idea. There are certain aspects where even the best businessmen get confused about why do companies hire new employees? Can’t we just check the schedules, enter data and handle clients ourselves? If you have also been confused … Read more

Is It Illegal To Hire Someone Without An Interview?

Is It Illegal To Hire Someone Without An Interview?

There’s a lot of debate surrounding hiring someone without an interview. Some argue it is illegal, while others maintain that it’s simply bad business practice. But what’s the real story? Is it illegal to hire someone without an interview? This blog post will explore the laws around hiring employees without first interviewing them. We will also provide some … Read more

Do Hiring Managers Work On Weekends?

Do Hiring Managers Work On Weekends?

Whether or not hiring managers work on weekends is a hot topic among job seekers. Some people believe that if you don’t hear back from a company until after the weekend, the hiring manager is out of the office and unavailable to review resumes or interview candidates. But does this hold? This blog post will … Read more

Why Are Call Centers Always Hiring?

why are call centers always hiring

The call center industry is continuously growing, and for a good reason! Call centers are a critical part of the customer service experience. They support and assist customers who need help with products or services. As a result, companies are always searching for talented and qualified call center agents. However, one big question always looms: … Read more

How Long Do Hiring Freeze Last?

how long do hiring freezes last

If you’re applying for jobs in today’s market, you may wonder how long do hiring freeze last. Unlike in previous years, when companies were quick to fill vacancies, organizations now take their time to ensure they find the best fit for the role. This can mean your job application might languish for a while before … Read more

Do Recruiters Have A Say In Hiring?

Do Recruiters Have A Say In Hiring?

Job seekers may wonder what role recruiters have in the hiring process. Some people may think that the recruiter’s job is to find candidates and submit them to the Company. Others may think that the recruiter is responsible for the entire hiring process. This blog post will discuss what a recruiter does and Do Recruiters … Read more

Can I Sue My Employer For False Promises?

Can I Sue My Employer For False Promises?

If you’re like most job applicants, you’ve been promised the world by your potential employer. They’ve told you that you’ll have the opportunity to learn and grow, have plenty of advancement opportunities, and be a part of a team dedicated to success. But what happens when they don’t follow through on those promises? Can you … Read more

Does HR Make Hiring Decisions?

Does HR Make Hiring Decisions?

There’s a lot of talk about how HR decisions can hinder or help your chances of getting a job. But Does HR Make Hiring Decisions? Does HR have the final say in who gets hired, or is it up to the hiring manager? Let’s take a closer look at what happens during the hiring process. This … Read more

Do Hiring Managers Read Cover Letters?

do hiring managers read cover letters

When applying for a job, submitting a resume and cover letter is important. But do hiring managers read cover letters? Some people say they don’t, while others swear by them. So what’s the truth? Well, it depends on the hiring manager. Some will read your cover letter, while others may not have time to do … Read more

Why Is Hiring The Right Person Important?

Why Is Hiring The Right Person Important?

Hiring the right person for your business is important. It would be best if you had someone who would be reliable, capable, and hardworking. Someone who shares your vision and will help you grow your Company. Finding the perfect candidate cannot be easy, but it’s worth the effort. The wrong hire can cost you time, … Read more