Do Managers Get In Trouble When Employees Quit Fast

Do Managers Get In Trouble When Employees Quit?

Too often, managers don’t know what makes their workers happy… 

Some increase paychecks or reduce working time. In contrast, the others are just exploiting the employees, making them quit their jobs. 

So, what’s the big deal here?  

Do managers get in trouble when employees quit their jobs

Yes! They do. And…

It happens quite often.  

Since employees are the building blocks of any company, their sudden leave-out can put huge stress on the managers as they will need to do the whole process again. 

So, here’s a detailed go-through about things that make an employee quit and how you can avoid it as a manager. 

Why Does An Employee Quit? 

There are many things that make an employee think that this is not their DREAM job. 

However, most employees quit due to inconsistent goals, no appreciation, and, most importantly, being put into the wrong roles. 

Didn’t understand yet? Allow me to explain. 

It all starts with a lack of appreciation for the employees’ hard work.  

Everybody wants to be appreciated and feel more attached to a company. 

Similarly, when employees feel like their efforts go unnoticed or unappreciated, they may lose motivation and look for opportunities elsewhere.  

Another factor that can lead to employees quitting is being put into the wrong roles where the only output they may create is fuss and more problems. 

A web developer cannot handle data management because it is the task of the data specialist. 

Similarly, A digital marketing expert cannot handle marketing analytics because everyone has his own specialization.

Do Managers Get In Trouble When Employees Quit? 

Yes, managers may need to answer the boss or the higher person in charge about what caused the employee to leave the company. 

It might cause the manager to lose his temper and start stressing out. 

Though this may not be common in higher companies where dozens leave and join daily, it can be a serious issue for startups. 

Employee turnover can be costly and disruptive to a business, and it can be a sign of issues with the work environment. 

Since we cannot hold onto employees who have already left, here’s what you can do to avoid making others leave. 

7 Factors That May Lead An Employee To Quit  

Poor Management 

The biggest factor that causes employee turnover is POOR Management. 

Managers who are unresponsive to employee concerns, provide unclear feedback, or fail to provide support can lead to employee disengagement between an employee and the company.  

What To Do 

As a manager, it’s always recommended to get involved in your employees’ tasks and see how they are performing. 

Even if it is for constructive criticism, it will help maintain a positive relationship with your workers. 

No Career Growth 

The best thing about leaders is they pave a new path for their followers. 

Not every employee has the guts to stand up and ask for a promotion.

When no clear career paths or opportunities are available, employees may become disengaged and look for opportunities elsewhere.  

What To DO? 

As a manager, try to show your workers the forward plan and what benefits they can avail themselves of in the future. 

From beginners to most senior and experienced workers, everyone should know the direction in which their company is headed. 


Most employees give up because of the location or working hours of the office timing. 

This is because of their other responsibilities, which may conflict with their office job or locations. 

What To Do? 

It is impossible to relocate the office just for the sake of an employee. 

You can talk with the boss and offer some remote jobs if the worker seems determined and talented. 

Unlimited Workload 

Any worker, regardless of his job or experience, needs a break! 

When employees feel burdened and cannot maintain a healthy work-life balance, it can lead to burnout, which can later cause them to leave the company. 

What To Do? 

Try giving short leave, office breaks, and holidays to employees who desperately need them. There doesn’t need to be a Christmas every day. 

After all, some extra days off are better than losing talented workers. 

Limited Recognition 

It is important to address the employees and tell them how they have improved over the years, months, or even days. 

There was a reason for the “employee of the month” award to be presented.  

When managers or bosses don’t pay any attention to the employees’ efforts, this may cause them to leave the job and find opportunities elsewhere.  

What To Do? 

Managers can appreciate their workers after every project or set of projects they complete. 

Even if a worker fails at that specific project, you can just help him out of it with some positive feedback. 

Company Culture 

Environmental culture is a serious problem that can even lead to life threats.

Any worker or employee can never witness his values being shattered. This may cause him to take action or get rid of the job by resigning from that place. 

What To Do? 

If there is any racism in your company, then as a manager, eliminating it should be your top priority.  

You can organize workshops or proper campaigns and ask the employees to explain how racism can affect any environment. 

Lack of job security 

Employees will only sweat and work hard at a place where they know their services will be valued. This sense of knowingness may help them create self-motivation and stick with a company. 

However, if they don’t know where they are headed, things might just go in the opposite direction. 

What To Do? 

Managers can talk with employees, appreciate their efforts, and explain their value to the company. 

However, employees should also work harder and maintain their values, as it’s a knot that must be tightly woven from both ends. 

Can A Bad Manager Ruin The Company? 

Yes! Managers are responsible for handling the company, but if they aren’t experienced, they might just cause the whole infrastructure to collapse. 

A bad manager will cause employees to quit their jobs by creating a negative, workaholic, and disrupted environment. 

So, as a boss, it should be your top priority to get rid of an inexperienced and bad manager before he gets rid of your company. 

Final Words 

So, there you have the answers to everything related to doing managers get in trouble when employees quit; here are some additional tips. 

If the manager is mistreating you and there is nothing that can be done, give a sigh of relief and resign! 

Ensure you send your resignation letter to more than one department, especially the human resources one. This is to maintain the assurance that you are finally leaving the job because of something bad. 

Remember to write about your past experiences of the last few weeks and try sending those letters to the boss. 

This will help you publicly announce that the manager isn’t doing well with what he was supposed to do. 

 As for your job, don’t feel afraid or demotivated as; 

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can a manager be held responsible for employee turnover?  

Yes, a manager can be held responsible for employee turnover if they are not providing a healthy and positive work environment.

How can managers prevent employees from leaving their job?  

Managers can prevent employees from leaving their job by creating a positive work environment, providing professional development and rewarding employees for their contributions, and addressing employee concerns and issues. 

How can managers address concerns and issues raised by employees considering leaving the company?  

Managers can address employee concerns by listening actively, providing support and resources, and following up to ensure that the issue has been resolved. 

Antony Archer

Antony Archer is a writer and contributor who specializes in human resources. He has worked in the field for many years and enjoys helping others develop their careers. Antony is a kind and compassionate person, and he loves to help others achieve their goals.